
This is just THE BEST thing. For all my fellow poor college kids (or anyone who wants to cut their heat bill down significantly,) do this!
This little contraption will heat an entire room and will only cost you as much as a sack of votive candles cost at Hobby Lobby.
This is how we heat my dad’s office!
1) Put 3 votive candles on a small plate or on top of something so they don’t burn your floor ( I used a piece of cardboard with parchment paper on top)
2) Make a 3-sided base. I used 3 bricks but have better luck with shallower items. Like rectangular tile pieces or broken garden stakes.
3) Light the votive candles
4) Take a small clay pot and plug the hole with foil (you can’t see the small pot in this picture)
5) Put a slightly bigger clay pot over the small one.
This will create a convection oven of sorts! Wait about 15 min and you will feel air coming out of the hole in the big pot and the pots will be burning hot.
Replace the candles as needed (they cost about $0.04 a piece) (at stay warm, save$$$)

Learning to love natural hair. TRY IT; you will too.
In the words of my dear friend Cale, whose post a while back changed my entire “getting ready” morning routine,

“your hair is beautiful.

it’s perfect.

this new paradigm that the world forces on people is that you don’t wake up beautiful, which is total BS.”

Amen, amen, and amen.





Rebloggable because I can.

For those who asked.

Disregarding the fact that when the majority of abortions occur, the embryo is not sentient. It has not developed into a fetus yet. It is simply a group of cells.

Often when this is pointed out, the “cells that hold life!” line emerges.

All cells hold life. Yet people don’t get abused for exfoliating. 

Equivocating on the kind of life is fallacious. Skin cells, on their own, are going to remain skin cells. A fertilized zygote will become a fully functional human being, unless something goes wrong. To say that exfoliating is the same as killing a genetically unique human being (or in your case, the other way around) is scientifically illiterate.

Exfoliating is actually, in technical terms, the removal of DEAD stratified squamous skin cells, which are nothing more than keratin fibers stacked on top of one another. The cells lost to exfoliation do not even contain a nucleus anymore because they are completely dried up, and all that is left are fibers. A zygote, at any stage, has its own complete set of DNA, which is UNIQUE from the mother’s DNA. Therefore, the zygote can NEVER be called an “extra appendage” or “another cell of the mother’s body” because every single cell in the mother’s body will contain HER EXACT DNA sequence. However, the fertilized zygote has a DNA that is completely it’s own. I am a nursing major and just completed the third most difficult anatomy program in the  nation, so I’m not BSing. 

Essays and exams and quizzes and textbooks and notes and lectures and outlines can really grate a soul.
And then you wake up at 5am and hike around in a dark forest as a five-thousand-bird chorus sings you on your way…
And you arrive at the top of a 60 foot cliff and snuggle into a blanket and look across the river, over the treetops and see
And you’re like, “Woahhhhh.”
And all of a sudden, for a moment in time, everything is perfectly all right.